Abandoned Vehicles

    The number of abandoned vehicles in Somerset has shot up recently, partly due to economic hardship, the cost of vehicle repairs, and stricter emissions regulations that have made older cars less viable

    Somerset Council has reported an increase in complaints from the pubic about vehicles left to rot on residential streets, disused land and even main roads. In response, the Council introduced stricter regulations and more aggressive enforcement measures. 

    Owners of abandoned vehicles now face heavier fines and penalties if their car is deemed a public nuisance. In some cases, fines can run into hundreds of pounds, and if the vehicle hasn’t been moved, it could be towed and impounded, with additional fees required to retrieve it.

    Previously, owners were given weeks and sometimes months to remove an abandoned vehicle. Now, these notice periods have been shortened – in some cases to just a few days - after which a vehicle may be removed, without warning.

    If you spot an abandoned vehicle where you live, you’re asked to report it to Somerset Council. Provide them with as much information as possible, including the make, model, colour, and licence plate number of the vehicle, and its exact location. 

    Once reported, the council will investigate to confirm if it has been abandoned and take steps to notify the owner, remove the vehicle, and impose any necessary fines or penalties.

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    Today's Weather

    • Yeovil

      Sunny intervals

      High: 9°C | Low: 1°C

    • Chard

      Sunny intervals

      High: 10°C | Low: 1°C

    • Crewkerne

      Sunny intervals

      High: 10°C | Low: 1°C

    • Somerton

      Light rain shower

      High: 8°C | Low: 1°C

    • Wincanton

      Sunny intervals

      High: 8°C | Low: 1°C

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