Monday 19th to Sunday 25th December 2022
Wednesday 21st is the winter solstice, when the northern hemisphere is tilted furthest away from the Sun and we have the shortest day - great for astronomers who prefer the longer nights.
The evening of Wednesday 21st is also the best opportunity to observe planet Mercury just above the south west horizon shortly after sunset. The planet will have a magnitude of -0.4 so will be easy to spot with the naked eye - no need to risk using a telescope or binoculars. Mercury will appear to be at its greatest elongation or distance away from the Sun.
The evening of Thursday 22nd sees the peak of another meteor shower. This time it's the Ursids, that appear to radiate from near the star Kochab in the constellation of Ursa Minor. Any shooting stars you see are debris left by comet Tuttle. Polaris, the pole star, is located at the end of Ursa Minor, so you will be looking due north.
Talking of comets, there is a treat for binocular or telescope users on Christmas Day if you're up early, before you tackle that turkey! Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF will have a magnitude of around +8 and will be located inside the constellation of Corona Borealis. At 6am, the constellation will be towards the east. Find Ursa Minor and the pole star, then go right until you see the constellation of Bootes, quite high up, with the bright star Arcturus. Corona Borealis is situated a little below Bootes. The comet was first discovered only earlier this year, by the Zwicky Transient Facility at Palomar Observatory, hence the "ZTF" in the name.
At 7.08am on Christmas morning, I am reliably informed that Santa Claus will be passing over the UK in his sleigh. He will look like a star that is moving, initially appearing in the west and then disappearing towards the east seven minutes later because he is going so fast!
Very Merry Christmas Everyone!
Screenshots courtesy of Stellarium
Comet photograph courtesy of Stuart Atkinson / Sky At Night Magazine
Copyright Adrian Dening and Radio Ninesprings 2022