Monday 20th to Sunday 26th March 2023
On Monday 20th at
In-between those dates, the northern hemisphere is either tilted towards the Sun which gives us summer, or tilted away when we have winter.
The Moon is always popular with amateur astronomers and for someone who is just starting in the hobby, it is an easy target to set up in your telescope. But that isn't always the case! If you venture outside just as it's getting dark, around
Above them and slightly to the left you will find Venus shining brightly.
If a 1% Moon is too difficult to spot, wait a couple of days and then around
The following night, Saturday 25th at the same time, the Moon will have become 20%-lit and will be close to the Pleiades open cluster of stars.
Screenshots courtesy of Stellarium
Copyright Adrian Dening and Radio Ninesprings 2023