Monday 19th to Sunday 25th June 2023
Wednesday 21st is the date of the summer solstice, when the Sun reaches its most northerly or highest position in the sky. The Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis or in other words, our north and south poles are not straight up and down. On 21st, the northern hemisphere reaches its maximum tilt towards the Sun as we orbit around it.
Last week I suggested trying to identify an asterism or shape known as the Summer Triangle. This coming week, how about trying to find a teapot? I haven't gone completely mad..........it's another well-known asterism that can be seen in the summer night sky!
Locate the constellation of Sagittarius which will be close to the horizon towards the south. The constellation doesn't rise above the horizon until after about 1am, so it will require a late night. The major stars in Sagittarius make up the familiar teapot shape.
In ancient Greek mythology, Sagittarius represented a centaur archer with his bow and arrow. Three of the constellation's stars begin with the name "Kaus" which translates to "bow". Kaus Borealis means "north" which is at the top of the bow or top of the teapot's lid. Kaus Media means "middle" and Kaus Australis means the "southern" end of the bow.
Of course Sagittarius is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac - a dozen constellations that the Ecliptic passes through - an imaginary line drawn through the Earth and Sun as we orbit around it every year. In case that sounds complicated, I have provided a diagram to help explain it!
Screenshots courtesy of Stellarium
Copyright Adrian Dening and Radio Ninesprings 2023