Monday 25th to Sunday 31st December 2023
Firstly, some very exciting news for Christmas morning. I have seen Father Christmas' flight schedule for Christmas Day and if you are up around 7am to open those presents, it should be possible to see his sleigh passing overhead.
Look towards the west at 7.25am and you will see the sleigh appear as a pinpoint of light, like a star that is moving. Because he is travelling so fast, it will only take about six minutes for him to pass almost directly overhead, before disappearing to the east on his way home. It won't be possible to see the individual reindeer though, as they are too small to show up even in the most powerful telescope.
When the pass has finished, turn your gaze back towards the south east to see planet Venus shining very brightly, a bit like the Christmas "Star of Bethlehem".
It will be daylight shortly afterwards, so please don't risk aiming a telescope or binoculars at the planet as you must never risk accidentally catching even a glimpse of the rising Sun through an eyepiece.
If you are desperate to use that telescope you received for Christmas, wait until the evening of 27th and aim it towards the east from around 7pm where there will be a bright Full Moon to observe, with the constellation of Orion that contains the red giant star Betelgeuse to the right of it.
Screenshots courtesy of Stellarium
Copyright Adrian Dening and Radio Ninesprings 2023