Monday 3rd to Sunday 9th February 2025
This is the optimum time to try and identify another of those clair-obscur visual effects on the lunar surface known as the "Stars of Aristillus". The crater Aristillus is located towards the top of the Moon. It is 55Km in diameter and prominent peaks in the centre of the crater's flat surface create the visual effect.
If you've brought your telescope out to see the Stars of Aristillus, at the same time, planet Uranus at a magnitude of only +5.7 will be located a little below and to the left of the Moon.
A few weeks ago I mentioned the Moon's libration or wobble. On Thursday 6th, this wobble favours the south east part of the lunar surface where there is a cluster of dark lava-filled craters right on the edge of where you can see.
Go back outside again around
Screenshots courtesy of Stellarium
Copyright Adrian Dening and Radio Ninesprings 2025