Monday 19th to Sunday 25th April 2021
There are no opportunities to see the International Space Station for a few weeks as its orbit is in the wrong place at the wrong time. However next week sees the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower, so named because the shooting stars appear to originate from the constellation of Lyra.
The actual peak is next Thursday afternoon 22nd April, so you could try looking for them over Wednesday or Thursday night.
At midnight, Lyra will be slightly north of east and is quite easy to find as it contains the bright star Vega. To the left of Lyra will be the constellations of Cygnus "The Swan" and Cepheus, with the obvious "W" shape of Cassiopeia to the north.
There will be some light pollution from a bright Gibbous Moon, but the Moon will be to the southwest, so you should still be able to see the meteors, weather permitting!
Planet-spotters could have a go at trying to see Mercury and Venus, just after sunset on Sunday 25th. You'd need to be looking towards the west and please remember that if you are going to use binoculars to get a better view, keep them firmly in their case until AFTER the Sun has completely disappeared below the horizon!
Screenshots courtesy of Stellarium
Copyright Adrian Dening and Radio Ninesprings 2021