HM Revenue and Customs is reminding working families that they can use Tax-Free Childcare to help pay for childcare costs
Tax-Free Childcare is a childcare top-up for working parents and can be used to help pay for accredited holiday clubs, child-minders or sports activities. It’s available for children aged up to 11 or 17 if the child has a disability.
For every £8 deposited into an account, families will receive an additional £2 in government top-up, capped at £500 every three months, or £1,000 if the child is disabled.
HM Revenue and Customs say they want to help children stay active when not in school, whether they go to holiday clubs or a child-minder.
You can apply for an account at any time and start using it straight away. By depositing money into your accounts, you can benefit from the 20% top-up and use the money to pay for childcare costs when you need to.
Tax-Free Childcare is also available for preschool-aged children attending nurseries, child-minders or other childcare providers.
The Curry Rivel Active Travel Group has been working for several years to create a link within the village to a planned car-free route across the Somerset Levels
Two new litter-pick stations have been installed, equipped with litter pickers and reusable bags for anyone to borrow and do their own two-minute clean-up at countryside sites across South Somerset.