D & S Fire and Rescue Service launch 'Be Water Aware Campaign'

    The campaign is asking pub-goers to take extra care and look out for friends when drinking and walking near water.

    In the past five years, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service has attended 360 water rescue incidents. There are a number of hotspots in the two counties, in particular, the Exeter Quay area, and Taunton near Coal Orchard. Around half of the people who drown had no intention of being in the water. They may have been walking, running, or jump in the water after their dog.

    In the past five years, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service has attended 360 water rescue incidents. There are a number of hotspots in the two counties, in particular, the Exeter Quay area and Taunton near Coal Orchard.

    Kevin Strowger, crew manager and officer in command, tells us about his experiences at a memorable water rescue in Taunton last year:

    “A man in his late 20s was in the River Tone, being held in place against the flow by two paramedics and a member of the public. He was clinging onto a life-ring, and positioned against a sheer wall about eight feet down to the water, getting very cold and agitated. “Two firefighters in flood suits placed a ladder next to him and another crew member lowered a harness to try to stabilise him under his arms. We were then able to bring him up the ladder. It was lucky that he was not too cold at this point to have the strength to help us get him out. He was violently shivering as we got him to the paramedics. I suspect he had been drinking”.

    Wayne Rawlins, area manager, said:

    “When many people think of water safety, they probably wouldn’t think of walking or running by a river. Shockingly, around half of people who drown had no intention of entering the water. “Please don't assume you're not at risk of drowning when you don’t intend to get into the water. If you’re out drinking alcohol near water, make sure you stay safe, including choosing a sensible route home – ideally well away from the water. If you can, walk with someone else so you can keep each other safe”.

    According to the latest national data, double the number of people drowned after they ended up in the water when running or walking (87 deaths in 2019) than those who drowned when swimming (44 deaths in 2019).

    If someone falls into the water near you, follow this advice:

    1. Never go into the water to try to save someone.
    2. Call 999 immediately. If you’re near the coast, ask for the coastguard. If you are inland, ask for the fire, and ambulance services.
    3. Let emergency services know where you are. Use location services on your phone if possible. Downloading the What3Words app can help pinpoint your location. If you don’t have a phone or can’t access location tools, look for any landmarks or signs that could help services find you.
    4. If the person can swim, shout “swim to me!” The water can be disorientating, but this could help give them a focus. Keep instructions loud, clear, and consistent.
    5. Look for lifesaving equipment. There might be lifebelts or throw bags you can use.
    6. If there isn’t any lifesaving equipment you can use, look for other things that could help them stay afloat, such as a ball. You can even use a scarf or long stick to help pull someone in. If you do this, lie on the ground so your entire body is safely on the edge and reach out with your arm. Don’t stand up or lean over the water, as you might get pulled in.

    If you manage to get someone out of the water, they will need medical attention. Even if they seem fine, drowning can occur at a later stage if water has already entered the lungs. It can cause death up to 48 hours after the near-drowning incident.

    If the person is unconscious, check they are breathing. If they are not breathing, they need five rescue breaths and then CPR (30 chest compressions followed by two rescue breaths). Continue until help arrives. If the person is unconscious but breathing, put them in the recovery position with their head lower than their body.

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