The arrival of summer has brought with it an increased presence of tractors on country roads and when driving through the countryside, motorists need to be extra careful and respect farmers for doing their job.
Rule 169 of the Highway Code states that tractors should not hold up a 'long queue of traffic' and if necessary should pull into a passing point allowing vehicles to pass. A long queue of traffic is defined as six vehicles, although it would not be practical for a tractor to pull over every time six vehicles form a line behind it. Tractors are just as entitled to use the highway as car owners are and that must be respected.
Horses are one of the most daunting road users to overtake, as they can be unpredictable. Rule 215 of the Highway Code states that cars should overtake horses 'wide and slow'. Motorists should also bear in mind that horses may be ridden two abreast when a young or inexperienced rider is present. Drivers are warned to treat horses as potential hazards and pay attention to hand signals made by their riders.
Contrary to popular belief, cyclists are allowed to ride two abreast on the highway, the reasoning being that they become the same width as a car, making it easier for drivers to overtake them. If you do approach cyclists riding two abreast, just be patient, as you will be responsible for any accidents caused by dangerous overtaking.