New representatives wanted for Somerset County Council

    Members of the public are being invited to apply for roles on a committee which helps to shape the way Somerset County Council operates.

    There are currently vacancies for three co-opted members on the Council’s Constitution and Standards Committee, which helps to set standards of conduct for elected councillors, as well as helping the Council to maintain an effective, up-to-date, and legally compliant constitution. 

    Chairman of the Constitution and Standards Committee, Councillor William Wallace, said: “We welcome applications from people from different kinds of backgrounds.

    “Previous experience is not necessary; applicants need to live in Somerset and have had no recent direct involvement in the running of the Council. “We are also looking for people who have the ability to bring common sense and their experiences of life into the Committee, who have the time to commit to this interesting role and, above all, be totally independent.”  

    The Constitution and Standards Committee comprises one elected member per political group- of which there are currently five - and five Co-opted Members without voting rights.

    The Co-opted role is non-voting and expenses will be paid for attending meetings, together with a small annual allowance.
    Closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 23 April and interviews will be held in the week beginning 3 May. 

    To apply for the position, you will need to email a copy of your CV and a short supporting personal statement (not more than a side of A4) stating why you think you are qualified for the role to Julia Jones, Governance Specialist – Democratic Services at 

    If would like to find out more please contact Julia Jones at or Laura Rose at, telephone 01823 35762 or 01823 359500

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