Somerset’s new unitary council is planning to spend more than £258m on major infrastructure projects in its first year of operation.
The new Council will replace the existing county council and four district councils on the Ist of April, bringing all council functions in Somerset and services under one roof.
Projects to be carried out in our area within the first 12 months of the new council include:
Delivering the Yeovil Refresh Project with £13,472,000 still to be spent to complete the works
Upgrading the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil costing £27,146,000
Improving the Chard Reservoir Dam costing £99,000
Several planned schemes have been delayed due to a lack of funds that include:
Upgrading Yeovil Crematorium at a cost of £3,367,000
Regenerating Wincanton town centre costing £1,537,000
And introducing new supported living homes for children with disabilities at a cost of £1,500,000
In addition, the new Somerset Council has a list of its own projects, some of which are necessary for the council to fulfil its legal obligations, and that includes:
Carrying out highway maintenance across Somerset costing £26,569,000
Protecting the rights of way network costing £1,421,000