Alerting Somerset County Council to potholes or other problems on the road is now easier and quicker.
You can also track your complaint after you’ve made it.
Gone is the need to make a phone call or send an email, thanks to a new online system, with an improved interactive map, problems and concerns can be reported 24/7.
From potholes, blocked drains, broken manhole covers, to mud on the road, overgrown vegetation, damaged pavements and cycle paths, to faulty traffic lights or missing markings, all can be reported online in just minutes from a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
The system works through these simple steps:
• First take a picture of the fault
• Then fill in the form and submit your picture online
• It will then ping up a notification on an engineer’s phone
• The engineer will visit and assess the problem and aim to do this in 3-working days
• A contractor will then be assigned to repair the fault and you will be sent an email confirming this has happened
The Curry Rivel Active Travel Group has been working for several years to create a link within the village to a planned car-free route across the Somerset Levels
Two new litter-pick stations have been installed, equipped with litter pickers and reusable bags for anyone to borrow and do their own two-minute clean-up at countryside sites across South Somerset.