An online survey has opened for public comment, to help write a new vision to better protect nature across Somerset.
Local wildlife and habitats are facing immediate and considerable environmental challenges the new Somerset Local Nature Recovery Strategy, which the online survey will inform, is aimed at reversing this decline.
The strategy will provide a single vision for nature recovery, alongside defining local priorities for habitat restoration and creation. It will pinpoint suitable locations for nature restoration, and specific areas where enhancing biodiversity could have additional environmental benefits, such as carbon reduction, flood mitigation, and accessibility to nature-rich areas for health and wellness.
Broad participation is being encouraged, with landowners, farmers, developers, community groups, wildlife organisations, and individuals asked to contribute, reinforcing the importance of an all-inclusive approach to protecting nature in Somerset.
Somerset Council, who have organised the survey, say taking part will shape a greener, more sustainable Somerset, ensuring that the new strategy meets the needs of communities, farmers, businesses, and, most importantly, the local wildlife.
To take part in the survey go to Somerset Council’s website at: somerset.gov.uk
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