The Scout Christmas Post is again operating in Yeovil this festive season, raising money for local scout groups.
Holy Trinity Scout group have been delivering Christmas post in and around Yeovil for over 30 years and with the support of Great Lyde Scout Group they collect, stamp, sort and deliver approximately 25,000 cards to residents and businesses in Yeovil, raising much-needed funds to provide scouting experiences for all members aged 6-18 and help towards the cost of maintaining the 2 halls.
Due to the pandemic, last year the Scouts are were unable to offer this service but they are delighted to be back, although they have limited numbers so are only able to deliver within Yeovil itself and not to any of the surrounding villages, unfortunately.
Boxes will be in the following locations from 19th November until the week ending 17th December (please see individual boxes for last delivery date and time)
The Scouts aim to have the majority of the cards delivered by 19th December, and all should be delivered by 22nd at the latest.
Delivery is a very reasonable 25p per card, please place your money in a bag with your cards before posting. And thank you to all the businesses that have allowed them to place boxes on their premises, the supporters that use the service, the parents and leaders that have the huge task of sorting and delivering so many cards.