Chard Town Council has voted to put up its share of the Council Tax by 45.2%. A new campaign has been launched to help tackle mental health issues in farming. Three school choirs in Yeovil have joined together to perform at the Royal Albert Hall in London...and more
Chard Town Council has voted to put up its share of the Council Tax by 45.2 per cent. The Town Council's precept on a typical Band D property will rise from £173.09 to £251.37. Chard Town Council says it needs the extra income to pay for services it plans to take on from Somerset Council, which is seeking cuts of £100 million to avoid the authority going bankrupt.
A new campaign’s been launched, including here in Somerset, to help tackle mental health issues in farming. Nine out of ten farmers aged under 40 in a survey said mental health was one of their biggest challenges. Now, the Farm Safety Foundation has launched ‘Mind Your Head', a campaign aimed at helping farmers.
Former Royal Marines from Somerset are among a group of 260 Marines seeking damages from the Ministry of Defence over a claim they were knowingly exposed to asbestos during a training exercise in Latvia. The legal action was brought after dust samples taken from buildings in Latvia in which they were accommodated were tested and turned out to contain asbestos.
Three school choirs in Yeovil are to perform at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The choirs will join together to perform songs in Latin from the seventeenth century.
The Leader of Somerset Council has repeated his call for a reform of the way that councils are funded. Crimestoppers is stepping up efforts to help tackle violent crime in Somerset. A new radar satellite is playing a crucial role in collecting data about flooding in Somerset...and more
Somerset Council has approved a seven-and-a-half percent increase in council tax. People are being asked to return boxes of paracetamol bought from Boots Chemists in Somerset. It’s been revealed that five members of staff at Somerset Council are being allowed to work from home outside the UK...and more
Somerset Council has been told that hundreds of millions of pounds in loans taken out by former district councils, including South Somerset, have to be paid back. A Somerset charity says it needs more volunteers to help with research into new treatments for dementia. A local shop owner has welcomed Somerset Council’s decision to scrap plans to charge for parking after 6 pm...and more.
The population of Somerset has reached record levels with nearly one in ten born outside the UK. Stanchester School in Stoke-sub-Hamdon has been rated as ‘requiring improvement’. Experts have been called in to appraise a 15th-century piece of artwork in Sherborne...and more.
A woman from Crewkerne has been fined £280 for assaulting two emergency workers. Plans have been announced to open new NHS dental surgeries in Chard and Crewkerne. A Yeovil man has been thanked for raising £10,000 for the cardiac charity Heartbeat...and more
A local man has been charged after allegedly driving a tractor while under the influence of alcohol. One hundred bikes, collected with household waste in Somerset, have been donated to charity. The junction of the A37 Ilchester Road and Stiby Road in Yeovil will again shut this evening for resurfacing...and more.
Fourteen hundred people have added their names to a petition against Somerset Council's plans to scrap free car parks. St Margaret’s Hospice has won a share of £25 million of government funding. A man from Charlton Adam is preparing to visit Ukraine as an Aid Worker for a tenth time...and more
A local man has been charged with possessing an air weapon following an incident in Yeovil town centre. The Labour government has removed funding to the Amulet Theatre in Shepton Mallet that the previous Conservative government had allocated. Entries are now open for this year’s Minster Miles 10K fun run with organisers aiming to exceed last year’s number of runners...and more.